OCWPC – 10U Coed

OCWPC – 10U Coed

What Parents Are Saying

“I have kids on the 16U, 14U and 10U teams. Water polo provides them with a sense of discipline, strength and sportsmanship. The coaches are very passionate about the sport. They love their kids and are very knowledgeable about the sport and the skills that are needed for each age level. Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”
Kristi E.
“I have kids on the 16U, 14U and 10U teams. Water polo provides them with a sense of discipline, strength and sportsmanship. The coaches are very passionate about the sport. They love their kids and are very knowledgeable about the sport and the skills that are needed for each age level. Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”
Kristi E.
“My wife and I didn’t come from an organized sports background so everything about water polo was new to us. We’ve been with the OCWPC for about 8 months now and since probably the second week, we knew it was one of the best things we’ve ever done for our kids. We’ve got a daughter on the 12U Girls team, a son on the 10U Coed team and a 7 year old who comes to every practice and can’t wait until his chops are good enough for game time. The parents are supportive of each other, the kids are rad, the coaches are amazing, the games – boy – crazy fun with lots of ups and downs. What’s really neat is that the game gives us a chance to have awesome conversations with the kids about life. About not giving up, listening, patience, endurance, staying in shape – and – wait for it – the right to kick some butt in the water. It’s a game after all! Go OC! See you at the pool! ”
Jesse B.
“My wife and I didn’t come from an organized sports background so everything about water polo was new to us. We’ve been with the OCWPC for about 8 months now and since probably the second week, we knew it was one of the best things we’ve ever done for our kids. We’ve got a daughter on the 12U Girls team, a son on the 10U Coed team and a 7 year old who comes to every practice and can’t wait until his chops are good enough for game time. The parents are supportive of each other, the kids are rad, the coaches are amazing, the games – boy – crazy fun with lots of ups and downs. What’s really neat is that the game gives us a chance to have awesome conversations with the kids about life. About not giving up, listening, patience, endurance, staying in shape – and – wait for it – the right to kick some butt in the water. It’s a game after all! Go OC! See you at the pool!”
Jesse B.
“Water polo has been great for my girls and we’ve been doing it for about two years. We’ve been getting serious for the past year and it’s shown them how to work with others, how to overcome obstacles in their minds and how to push themselves to new levels. They really like it. I think the coaches are great – it’s one of the reasons we were drawn to OC Water Polo. They have a European background where water polo is a big deal. They have a passion for the game and that transfers over to our kids. They really connect with that.”
Kelvin M.
“Water polo has been great for my girls and we’ve been doing it for about two years. We’ve been getting serious for the past year and it’s shown them how to work with others, how to overcome obstacles in their minds and how to push themselves to new levels. They really like it. I think the coaches are great – it’s one of the reasons we were drawn to OC Water Polo. They have a European background where water polo is a big deal. They have a passion for the game and that transfers over to our kids. They really connect with that.”
Kelvin M.
“Our daughter found confidence, overcame challenges physical, emotional and mental and had an amazing time this season. She grew in all aspects of her life and she can’t wait to come back her second year! ”
Joe & Lara F.
“Our daughter found confidence, overcame challenges physical, emotional and mental and had an amazing time this season. She grew in all aspects of her life and she can’t wait to come back her second year!”
Joe & Lara F.
“I wanted to tell you about the impact the coaches, club and sport have had on our son. He had a very rough first year but ended with a love for the game and some much needed self confidence. This was our near last ditch effort to find our son a sport. I have to tell you that this was a life changing year for him. He started off at a disadvantage, not being very naturally athletic as well the hyper kid with the spastic energy and we struggled for several months with having enthusiasm for practices. We put him in swim lessons and things started to turn round. All of the sudden he was excited to go to practice and was telling me he wanted to go. He bonded with the team and was given the “Most Improved ” award at the end of the year banquet. Without a doubt what got him through this year were the Coaches. Coach Trevor is phenomenal, what he is doing for these kids goes far beyond water polo. He was a source of strength and encouragement for my son as well as myself. He surpassed my expectation of what I thought a coach could be. Coach Christian – the same, – professional, kind, fun, firm and an excellent coach. I am proud that my son looks up to these men. I look forward to what new challenges 12u will bring, and want to thank you for working so hard to keep this club thriving. It’s been a great year and we can’t wait to get started again! ”
Farra C.
“I wanted to tell you about the impact the coaches, club and sport have had on our son. He had a very rough first year but ended with a love for the game and some much needed self confidence. This was our near last ditch effort to find our son a sport. I have to tell you that this was a life changing year for him. He started off at a disadvantage, not being very naturally athletic as well the hyper kid with the spastic energy and we struggled for several months with having enthusiasm for practices. We put him in swim lessons and things started to turn round. All of the sudden he was excited to go to practice and was telling me he wanted to go. He bonded with the team and was given the “Most Improved” award at the end of the year banquet. Without a doubt what got him through this year were the Coaches. Coach Trevor is phenomenal, what he is doing for these kids goes far beyond water polo. He was a source of strength and encouragement for my son as well as myself. He surpassed my expectation of what I thought a coach could be. Coach Christian – the same, – professional, kind, fun, firm and an excellent coach. I am proud that my son looks up to these men. I look forward to what new challenges 12u will bring, and want to thank you for working so hard to keep this club thriving. It’s been a great year and we can’t wait to get started again!”
Farra C.
“We have loved watching the progression of our 8-year-old son through the OCWPC program. He started in splashball, played on 10u last season and is playing on 10u again this season. Now that he’s better understanding the game, getting stronger in the water and building confidence he’s earning more play time. We are blessed with Coach Trevor, the amazing 10u waterpolo coach who teaches waterpolo fundamentals like no other. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for our son in this sport! ”
Elizabeth & Paul B.
“We have loved watching the progression of our 8-year-old son through the OCWPC program. He started in splashball, played on 10u last season and is playing on 10u again this season. Now that he’s better understanding the game, getting stronger in the water and building confidence he’s earning more play time. We are blessed with Coach Trevor, the amazing 10u waterpolo coach who teaches waterpolo fundamentals like no other. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for our son in this sport!”
Elizabeth & Paul B.

Practice Schedule – 10U Coed






San Juan Hills HS



San Juan Hills HS



San Juan Hills HS

2024/2025 Tournament Schedule – 10 & Under Coed




10U Coed

2024 Evan Cousineau Memorial Cup

October 5 & 6, 2024

10U Coed

2014 SPA League

September 22 & 29, 2024 October 13, 20, 27, 2024

10U Coed

2024 SPA League Championships


10U Coed

2024 Holiday Cup

December 7 & 8, 2024

10U Coed

2025 Dare to Dream USA WP Tournament

January 11 & 12, 2025

10U Coed

2015 SPA Winter League


10U Coed

2025 KAP7 International

February 1 & 2, 2025

10U Coed

2025 Turbo Orange County Cup

March 1 & 2, 2025

10U Coed

2025 K7 Cup

April 12 & 13, 2025

10U Coed

San Diego Cup

May 2-4, 2025

10U Coed

Junior Olympics Qualifiers

May 30 - June 1, 2025

10U Coed

2024 Junior Olympics (Southern California)

July 2 - 27, 2025

“The objective of the club is to recruit athletes at a young age and focus on developing a solid foundation of technical and tactical practice, patience, and persistence, the three “Ps” of water polo which translate into important life lessons for the years to come. The club is committed towards coaching at all levels of the sport, primarily focusing on developing elite athletes. We strongly encourage participation before 12 years of age, with 8 years of age being the ideal.

Our primary focus is the development of young athletes into adult champions rather than attempting to recruit adult champions. The club plans to provide coaching throughout all the age groups.

Consider that when constructing a solid building, the engineer will begin with a solid foundation at the basement, not at the roof or on the second floor. It is crucial that athletes receive good instruction at a young age. This will ensure they will develop good habits and reach their optimum potential.” – Head Coach Petar Asic


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